12 Mind-Blowing Things Artificial Intelligence Can Do

At this time, the more significant part of us is aware of artificial intelligence (AI) being an undeniably existing piece of our daily existences. But, several of us would be quite amazed to learn about some of the skills AI already understands how to do. Here are the 12 most mind-blowing skills artificial intelligence can already do today.


Have you ever wish to save time by only having to pay attention to the prominent points of communication? Your wish has really come true with the latest AI tools. Whether it’s weblinks, news articles, books, image files, legal documents, emails and audio, and more, automated text summarization by machine learning and artificial intelligence studies reports and communication back the crucial information. 


Would you agree that along with expert journalists, news corporations such as Washington Post, The New York Times, Reuters, and more heavily rely upon artificial intelligence to write? They do, and though this does involve several “how, what, where who, and when,” formulaic parts, AI is capable of expanding beyond this to further creative writing as well. Numerous marketers are shifting to artificial intelligence to design their social media posts. Even a novel has been created by artificial intelligence that was short-listed for an award.


Machine vision is when computers or machines can “see” the world, interpret visual data, and make decisions about it. There are multiple astonishing ways machine vision is utilized today, including facial recognition for police work, payment portals, self-driving cars, and much more. In manufacturing, the capability for machines to see assists in product quality control and predictive maintenance. READ MORE


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